Our Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) is being endorsed by world leaders. Our new blockchain currency transcends national borders. ... I keep thinking about how the economic change from Blockchain, integrates with Israel, The Greater Nation, Operation Breaking Dawn, and The Iron Dome. It was a great light show. Yesterday. I wish to thank everyone. I wish to continue acknowledging our friends with these valuable physical assets... the cubes. I will continue to extend my hand in friendship. This is a Spiritual thing. And it is very much integrated with the international laws designed to protect peace and security. Our CBDC now has the power to open doors in Israel and abroad, for The Greater Nation. I am mailing these cards to members of the Jewish World Congress. Some things are True whether you believe them or not. The Torah explains that there is a chosen people that are set apart. This knowledge brings me comfort. I hope and pray that our blockchain CBDC will be like a grand portal to wealth and peace of mind, for the chosen people. תורה

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