The Cosmic Ashlar is the centrepiece of the sacred Islamic pilgrimage and has been set intact into the eastern corner of the Kaaba. Every day, five times a day, Muslims across the world face the holy site of Mecca and pray. When followers visit the site, it is not Mecca they face but a CUBE building called the Ka’aba. The Ka'aba is a mosque. On one corner of this sacred building, is a cornerstone known as the Black Stone. This stone is known to Freemasons as The Cosmic Ashlar. Its history is shrouded in secrecy and mystery. There is much speculation over what the stone might be. Many Muslims believe the stone is in fact a meteorite possessing supernatural powers. Muslims believe that Allah ordered the Kaaba to be constructed. The story goes that Abraham built the cube mosque with his oldest son, Ishmael, in the “likeness of Allah’s home in heaven”. According to Islamic tradition, the cosmic ashlar stone was set intact into the Kaaba’s wall by the Prophet Muhammad in 605 AD. Today, in 2023 AD, There is some virtual architecture, still to be completed by the Architects of Cube Ministries. The Cosmic Ashlar is probably the most well-known holy rock in the world. NATO refers to it as the "cognitive center of gravity" of Islam. It is not a statue or an idol. The Cosmic Ashlar is... the Blackstone from heaven that represents the Kindom of Allah. According to The Quran, When the black stone came down from paradise, it was whiter than milk. The sins of the sons of Adam turned it black. The trouble with Islam today is violence, tribal insularity, deep-seated anti-Semitism, and denial of women's rights. There is a systematic answer to these problems. Our virtual cosmic ashlar was just re-placed intact into this virtual Kaaba, by cube ministries, on behalf of women and women's rights everywhere.
"In Meta... Now we can have this virtual Hajj and virtual pilgrimages that reveal to us, the Cosmic Ashlar Code."
-Bro. Graeme Kilshaw, Master Mason, بركة